Novi Sad

Novi Sad ist eine Stadt mit einem langsamen Tempo und einem beachtlichen kulturellen Erbe. Als zweitgrößte Stadt Serbiens ist sie die Hauptstadt der Provinz Vojvodina. Die heutige Stadt Novi Sad ist eine hervorragende Universitätsstadt an der Donau, berühmt für ihre IT-Energie. In den letzten Jahren hat es sich zu einem wahren IT-Zentrum Serbiens mit Tausenden von Ingenieuren, Programmierern, Softwareentwicklern, Codierern und anderen mit dieser Branche verbundenen Personen entwickelt. Hier entsteht eine Vielzahl von Start-ups und IT-Communities. Versammlungen wie Meetups und Workshops sind ein Bestandteil unseres täglichen Lebens geworden - Treffpunkte, an denen wir Wissen austauschen und Kontakte knüpfen.


Zrenjanin oder Petrovgrad ist eine Stadt im östlichen Teil der Vojvodina, Serbien. Dank der Technischen Fakultät "Mihajlo Pupin" sind dort viele IT-Unternehmen entstanden und die Stadt neigt dazu, zu einem echten IT-Zentrum zu werden. Unser Unternehmen ist einer der Mitbegründer von ICT Klaster in Zrenjanin, der sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, Zrenjanin in die Topstädte der IT-Branche Serbiens zu platzieren, mit hervorragenden Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten für IT-Experten und wachsenden IT-Unternehmen.

Liberty Square Zrenjanin


Alle Wege führen ins Stadtzentrum, wo die breite Fußgängerzone für jeden etwas zu bieten hat. Im Herzen der Altstadt befinden sich fast alle Sehenswürdigkeiten von Novi Sad. Traditionelle Konditoreien und Eisdielen sollten eine Ihrer ersten Haltestellen sein. Der Freiheitsplatz war schon immer die Bühne für die wichtigsten kulturellen und politischen Veranstaltungen und ist auch der übliche Treffpunkt und der Hauptplatz um Tauben zu füttern. Der Platz wird von zwei gegenüberliegenden Gebäuden beherrscht: dem Rathaus und der römisch-katholischen Kirche des Namens Marias, die auch als Kathedrale bekannt ist. Ein Denkmal zu Ehren von Svetozar Miletic, Bürgermeister von Novi Sad und Verfechter der politischen Rechte der Serben im 19. Jahrhundert besetzt das Zentrum des Platzes.

Von dort aus erstreckt sich die Fußgängerzone weiter bis zur Zmaj Jovina Straße, die die Hauptpromenade und das Geschäftszentrum der Stadt bildet. Die Straße ist umgeben von zahlreichen Terrassencafés und Konditoreien. Sie endet beim Gebäude des Bischofspalastes, hinter dem sich die Domkirche befindet. An der Kreuzung der Straßen Zmaj Jovina und Dunavska befindet sich das älteste erhaltene Haus in Novi Sad (1720), das als das Haus " Beim weißen Löwen " bekannt ist und heute den irischen Pub beherbergt. Die Dunavska Straße, die ebenfalls voller Geschäfte und Cafés ist, führt zum Donaupark und zur Donau. Gleich zu Beginn der Straße sieht man eine der vielen Pockennarben im Stadtbild - eine in der Außenmauer des Gebäudes verbliebene Kanonenkugel (wo sie während der Bombardierung der Stadt 1849 landete).

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Petrovaradin Fortress

Petrovaradin Fortress


Built in the present form more than three centuries ago, it represents one of the largest monuments and fortress on the Danube, and at the same time, the biggest preserved fortress in Europe. A walk around the Fortress is something that should not be missed: the numerous galleries and museums, the unforgettable view of Novi Sad, the Danube, Fruska Gora and the Pannonian Plain; the hidden underground passageways and of course the wonderful restaurants.

The Saborna Church

The Saborna Church

saborna church

The Saborna Church was built in the baroque style in 1734. Heavily damaged in the 1849 shelling, it was renovated in 1880. The beautiful iconostasis was done by famous Serbian painter Paja Jovanovic. The cross in the churchyard is the oldest preserved monument in Novi Sad, dating from the 18ht century. Nikole Pasica 4.

The Cathedral

The Cathedral


Located on Trg Slobode (Liberty Square), and locally referred to as The Cathedral, The Name of Mary Church stands proud as one of the most outstanding sights of Novi Sad. At it's 72 meters of tower height it is one of the tallest structures in the province of Vojvodina. A well known local meeting point, the Cathedral is a strong and dominant city presence, one that demands respect not only because of its height but also due to its beauty.

Following the organizing of the local Catholic Parish of Mary's name in 1702, the original church was built in 1719. Destroyed and rebuilt several times since, the neo-gothic style church was completed in 1895 following the design of the architect Georg Molnar.

The main entrance faces the monument to Svetozar Miletic and the City Hall. The church is 52 meters long, its width is 25, while the roof height is 22 meters. The inside of the church is a work of art with its carvings and statues of saints in natural size made by masters from Tyrol. 20 glass paintings are reflected on the windows, being the work of Hungarian and Czech glass artists, while the steep roof and tower are made out of colorful Zsolnay ceramics.

Statue of J.J.Zmaj

Statue of J.J.Zmaj


A physician by profession but poet by nature, The Dragon (Zmaj meaning Dragon on Serbian) who will forever be remembered as a beloved children's poet, once wrote:

Song's an anchor in all gales;
When all others fail to reach,
Song shall be the thrilling speech;

The monument of Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj, a celebration of his character and work, is located at Novi Sad's main pedestrian zone. A 2.3 m tall bronze figure, the statue is the work of Belgrade sculptor Vladimir Nikolic. It was set up in 1984 at the end of Zmaj Jovina street, named after Zmaj.

The monument is positioned in front of Vladicin court, the residential palace of the Serbian Orthodox Bishop of the Diocese of Backa. Designed in a pseudo - mavar style, the palace's facade is made out of red bricks and decorated with a yellow covered plastic, work of Julius Anika. Its interior is filled with a large number of portraits, carved furniture and many other significant historical and cultural pieces.

Svetozar Miletic statue

Svetozar Miletic statue


The central point of Novi Sad's city center is the bronze statue of Serbian leader and former Novi Sad Mayor Svetozar Miletic. Standing tall, the monument itself makes the beholder feel the proud attitude and leadership Miletic in life exuded.

Svetozar Miletic (1826-1901), was the most prominent Serbian political leader in Austria-Hungary, Member of Parliament, lawyer and City Mayor. The statue, cast in bronze, was first put up n 1939 in the Liberty Square in front of the City Hall. It was pulled down during World war II, but brought back in 1944. Sculptor Pavle Radovanovic designed a new marble pedestal in 1951 and carved 'Svetozar Miletic 1826 - 1901 by Ivan Mestorvic 1939'on it. The monument is designated as cultural heritage site of great importance.

Serbian National Theatre

Serbian National Theatre


Novi Sad is an avantgarde city with many conventional and unconventional cultural spots where people can feed their souls.

Appropriately located at Pozorisni Trg (Theater Square) is the oldest institution of its kind among the Serbian people - The Serbian National Theatre. Occupying an area of 20.000 square meters and with its three functioning scenes, it was first founded in 1861 and it has been a dramatic institution ever since. The opera scene was introduced in 1921, while ballet began playing in 1950.

Its rich everyday repertoire will give you a chance to see amazing plays, operas and ballet performances by famous and yet become famous Serbian artists. Should you find yourself in Novi Sad during November please make sure and purchase a ticket for the Jazz festival. The event will bring natural relief for the mind & body with its riffs, cool tones and complex rhythms.

City Hall of Novi Sad

City Hall of Novi Sad

City Hall

Built in 1895 by famous architect Molnar Gyorgy, the city hall is a neo-renaissance building which is located on the square "Trg slobode". Apparently it is a copy of the City Hall in Graz. Even before the construction starter there were big disagreements over the location of the building. Svetozar Miletic, former mayor of Novi Sad, once wanted to Serbian National Theatre be in the place where it is City Hall now, and that City Hall should be on the Hanski plot. But Catholics demanded that City Hall starts building right in front of the catholic church, on the main city square "Trg slobode". Today City Hall represents the seat of city government and its administration.

The Danube Park

The Danube Park

Danube park

The main town park and the loveliest. Once there was a fen overgrown with reeds on its site, which was developed into a park in 1895. Today there is a smallish lake in the heart of the park, which has a tiny island in its middle and ducks and swans are gliding in the lake. The park boasts over 250 species of plants, numerous sculptures, and part of it is turned into a kids playground.

Co-Founder & CEO Sasa Popovic

Sasa gründete Vega IT vor 16 Jahren gemeinsam mit seinem ehemaligen Studienkollegen Vladan. Ihr Traum, ein IT-Unternehmen zu gründen, hat sich zu einem der führenden Softwareunternehmen mit mehr als 900 Ingenieuren entwickelt. Wenn Sie es vorziehen, eine E-Mail zu senden, können Sie sich gerne an wenden.

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