Head in the world. Hearts in the code.
Over the last 15 years, we have gathered a whole heap of domain experience in various industries. Our experienced developers have worked on creating custom mobile apps to give our clients an edge over their competitors and grab users' attention.
We adapt to your needs, learning about your business along the way. Rest assured, we’ll guide you through every step of the development process, focusing on what works best for you.
Your idea. Our expertise.
Let's talkWhy Partner With a Mobile App Development Company?
We are not your average partner. We don’t sit back and solve tickets. We do our best to learn about your dreams, hope, goals and domain to ensure you receive the best mobile apps on the market.

Mobile Application Development Services We Offer
iOS App Development
Android App Development
Hybrid App development
When end users cannot spot the difference between hybrid and native apps, it means you’ve developed a great app. To build an app that works in any environment you need experienced developers who understand both native and web app technologies. This is what our developers do best.
Mobile App Software Testing Services
Our clients trust us because we deliver high-quality mobile apps. Our QA engineers are experienced in validating all aspects of a mobile app. This means you will get a bug-free, fast and secure app your users will love.
What We Have Done for Our Customers
ReferenzenBenefits of Hiring a Mobile
App Development Company
What Makes A Good Mobile App?
A great mobile app combines great UX and UI design combined with functionality. You also need to keep in mind your business goals and long-term objectives.
With over 1500 projects under our belt, these are some of the must-have features of successful apps we have created for our clients:
- Great UI design - mobile apps need to be intuitive and engaging. Users want an app that gets the job done while being visually appealing.
- Fast load time - a fast mobile app is one that creates a better experience and retains users. Your users expect stability and reliability.
- Protected data - data protection should not be looked at as a benefit. It should be your top priority as your customers are putting their trust and data in your hands. Keep in mind that this is an ongoing process, as new threats appear on a daily basis.
- User support - keep your customer well informed and provide them with user support. Create FAQ sections, tooltips, live chat, etc.
- Built-in integrations - a key component that makes an app successful. Connect your data across different platforms your business uses. This can help you gain better customer insights, speed up the decision-making process and increase efficiency across teams.
How to choose the right Mobile App Development Partner
Creating an engaging mobile app for your customers is not an easy task. You need a partner who understands your business and adapts to your needs. So, here are a few key takeaways to have in mind when choosing the right partner:
- Create a list of your mobile app requirements
- Do your research. Find trustworthy mobile development that aligns with your business philosophy and culture.
- Learn about their tech stack and domain expertise related to your industry
- Ask for references that can confirm their expertise
- Negotiate the terms of your contract and make sure there are no hidden costs
- Ask about supporting roles needed to develop your mobile application such as Project Manager, QA, Business Analyst, Data Scientist, etc.
- Make sure they can help your support and maintain your app after the development is done

When Should You Hire a Mobile Development Company?
Our clients have been collaborating with us for so many years because they trust our expertise and proactive approach. Our developers are not just programmers behind keyboards who execute tasks with no questions asked. They talk and engage with our clients to ensure they get the best value for their money. Over the years, clients have usually hired us when they needed:
- To create a custom mobile application
- An extension of their in-house team
- A self-sufficient team of mobile developers
- A partner with specific domain expertise
- A partner to maintain and support their mobile app
Which business model suits you?
Different budgets, deadlines, challenges, and requirements. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to software development. To match your exact goals and ambitions, we offer two types of business models:
- Time & material: Greater control. Flexibility. Participation in candidate selection. With no rigid processes or end dates, this business model is easier to scale up or down as your business needs change.
- Fixed price: Fixed scope. Fixed budget. Fixed timeline. Those are the main benefits of the fixed price model. You set the requirements upfront, and we deliver the project within them.
Many clients choose to start with the fixed-price model. However, as their project scope evolves, they typically shift to the time & material model.

Our tech stack: designed to work with yours
Our speciality?
High-performing, semantically-rich and accessible markup, paired with perfectly organized CSS/SCSS architecture. Dreamy.
Unsere Stärke in Zahlen
We’re here to find fast, elegant solutions to your trickiest problems.

Sasa gründete Vega IT vor 16 Jahren gemeinsam mit seinem ehemaligen Studienkollegen Vladan. Ihr Traum, ein IT-Unternehmen zu gründen, hat sich zu einem der führenden Softwareunternehmen mit mehr als 900 Ingenieuren entwickelt. Wenn Sie es vorziehen, eine E-Mail zu senden, können Sie sich gerne an hello.sasa@vegaitglobal.com wenden.
Echte Menschen. Echte Profis.
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